Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Daddy Daughter Time

I'll do my best not to get too sappy today but any of you who know me well know that I have a big soft spot in my heart for the subject of today's post. I have so many sweet memories from the past and more ahead, just me and my Daddy: ice cream dates, sipping tea chats, he teaching me tennis or fishing or soccer, listening to him read me the Hobbit or Narnia, riding on his shoulders around camp, singing Spanish songs with him at bedtime, holding his hand anywhere and everywhere (cause that was the safest and most fun place to be) or chatting about the unique quirkinesses of his grandchildren. 38 years old and I still have a soft spot for my Dad.

Now-a-days I watch my little girl bask in the safe, comforting presence of her Dad. If she has a scary dream, he is who she runs to first. She loves to play with him. Water gun fights. Soccer. Jedi laser duels. Board games. Mostly I think they are all wonderful excuses to share life with him. She adores him, just as it should be.

So today, let's hop accross the pond again to Cape Town, ZA where we visit this sweet Daddy and daring and beautiful duo daughters wade in, share life and bask in the beauty which is.

Watercolor          6 x 8            $ 30(+shipping)

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