Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Freedom's Ride

Once in a while i will go to bed and dream a painting. Normally once dreamt, if I don't paint it soon after, the painting is gone. Several months ago, I saw a documentary piece on the Freedom Riders. Worth the watch.
It hit me. a good way. I dont pretend to be an expert on the history or future of race relations in the United States or anywhere but i do know it matters. The justice, courage and truth of those riders, white and black, women and men. Their acts of bravery and brotherhood through peace turned violence by other's hatred and fear. This is a story worth knowing if you don't. History and our future hope- both- have so much to teach us.

This piece was different. I dreamt of this piece. Didn't have the chance to paint it and kept dreaming of it over and over.
I had a huge canvas that a friend had given me. Thanks Kelly.
I was torn about what to paint on it. Art sales are slow in this economy so it would be been practical for me to paint a large flower or landscape, but this dream piece kept haunting me. So I said, ok God, I ll paint it. Please speak truth through it. So my prayer is that God will speak truth, justice, hope, peace and reconciliation through it.

This piece will be my first Multi-Media piece to exhibit & enter into a juried show. I applied and made it into the Birmingham Art Association Juried Show
Reception: Thurs., November 15,2012, 5-8 pm
Exhibit will only be up Nov. 15-17

at Christopher House Antiques
3205 2nd Ave. South,
Birmingham,AL 35222